Read more: Rendez-vous avec Melinda Infante
Rendez-vous avec Melinda Infante
Interview Melinda Infante Lors du vernissage d'HEUREUX LES CURIEUX le 17 octobre dernier, nous avons eu la chance d'échanger lors d'un moment priv...Read more -
Read more: Rendez-vous avec Margaux Leycuras
Rendez-vous avec Margaux Leycuras
During the opening of HEUREUX LES CURIEUX on October 17, we had the chance to chat during a special moment with Margaux Leycuras . She spoke to us...Read more -
Read more: Interview with Zuzana Hlivarova
Interview with Zuzana Hlivarova
First interview! During the opening of HEUREUX LES CURIEUX on October 17, we had the chance to chat with Zuzana Hlivarova She spoke to us, among o...Read more -
Read more: Reception of the works of Yun-Jung Song and Yuko Nishikawa
Reception of the works of Yun-Jung Song and Yuko Nishikawa
What's new! The works of Yun-Jung Song and Yuko Nishikawa arrived at the gallery, bringing with them the delicate and melancholic whisper of autumn...Read more -
Read more: First Opening
First Opening
Happy are the Curious! On October 17, RART Galerie came alive, under the sign of discovery and good humor, during the opening of our first exhibiti...Read more