Victor Giannotta
Victor Giannotta was born in 1994 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He lives and works with wood in the heart of the Cévennes, where he decided to set down his tools. A residency in Japan, in partnership with the Tokyo University of Arts, completely changes his view of everyday objects. "The utilitarian is sculpture, the bowls and stools come alive like small sacred fires, and I place myself at the border of the two worlds."
Victor walks through the forests, searches for and collects good wood that has fallen to the ground, he observes it and integrates its energy before working it, by hand, with pruning and cutting tools, without electric machines. The object takes shape, pays homage to the tree, the hand of man is visible and ennobles it. Victor transports us into a dreamlike world that pushes the limits of reality.
Latest exhibitions 2023 :
-Exposition collective “fumée.s”, Lozère
-Exposition collective “arts and crafts”, France design week, Bourgogne
-Exposition A week abroad chez Sessun alma, Marseille
-Exposition collective “Sillons”, Paris